Measuring The Quality of Pain

A new tool-

Not merely the physiology of pain
The electrical impulses measured
Amplitudes and latencies – 
But also the human experience of pain.

A new tool-

Background history of previous trauma
Abuse, inflicted or self administered,
Prior thresholds to pain and management.
Spiritual dimensions of capital Self and suffering
The ability to hold anguish and experience its multi-dimensional character.
Sense of self, image, autonomy and awareness.

Relationships to higher authorities, parents, teachers, pastors, principals, spirit guides, God, in contrast to and balanced by a sense of independent thought and desire.

The notion of a center of the self and its location on a 3D scale.
The architecture of the inner imagined space,
Its quality, presence, and ability of outside distraction to infiltrate and dilute meaning.
The mythical and imagined images of inner organs and relationship to the limbs of the body in terms of a sense of community and ownership versus disparity and disconnection.

The dynamics of relationship to the outside world – nature, fields and streams, mountains and valleys, oceans, limitless space, the horizon and the starry heavens. The sense of awe, humility, and timelessness. The notion of landscape and familiarity, comfort in home, environment, the village, the city, a sense of life in the city as organic being.

Intimacy with different objects of love, familial, collegial, parenting, childing, sibling, friendship – agape versus eros.
Negotiating the space between competing loves
Triggers of pain.
Moods, anger, resentment, fears, hatred, darkness, claustrophobia, bleak, foreboding, depression. Powerlessness.

A new tool-

To measure providing a sound architecture of the soul by which to gage and predict outcomes to specific therapies.
Surely this might provide a better strategy for pain management and illness than our linear dimensionless scale. Surely this tool allows, indeed,insists, on taking into account the human dimension of pain and suffering.