Billing and Insurance

Payment For Services

We kindly request payment at the time of your appointment for any services not covered by your insurance. Your insurance company may also require a co-payment be paid at the time of your appointment.

If you require a payment plan, please inform our staff as quickly as possible, and our staff will work closely with you to arrange payments.

Insurance and Billing Inquiries

If you have any questions regarding which insurance plans we accept, or to check if Dr. Ungar is covered in your network, please call Dr. Ungar at (219) 588-8000. Questions regarding your specific coverage and benefits should be directed to your employer or insurance company. 

Documents To Bring To Each Visit

Please remember to bring your insurance cards and photo I.D. to the office upon your first visit or if you change jobs or insurance companies. If you carry two types of insurance, please inform us which we should bill as the “primary” and which as the “secondary.”