Dr. Julian Ungar-Sargon’s Publications

Dr. Ungar of Neuropraxis helps patients manage their chronic pain with his brand of compassionate, patient-centric medicine at two locations: Chicago, Illinois and Merrillville, Indiana. He has authored a number of medical and scientific articles that have been published in a wide variety of journals and academic publications. If you have questions about our approach to pain management treatment, or office locations, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to call us at 219-588-8000 You can also contact us through our website. We look forward to your visit!


1. Ungar JY. The Reason Why. London Hospital Gazette. 1970;50:4:12-14

2. Ungar Julian The Agony of the Yarmulke, Judaism Aug 1985

3. Ungar-Sargon J. Lovelace RE, Brust JCM. Spastic Paraplegia-paraperisis: A reappraisal. J. Neuro Sci. vol 185, April, 1980, 46: 1-12

4. Ungar-Sargon J, Lovelace RE.In search of syndrome of primary lateral sclerosis. J. Neurol Ortho Surg. July 1984, 5: 241-246

5. Blume HG, Ungar-Sargon JY. Neurological treatment of persistent occipital myalgia-neuralgia syndrome. J Cranio-Mandib Pract. 1986; 4:1-14.

6. Blume HG, Ungar-Sargon JY.Persistent Occipital-Myalgia Syndrome, Journal of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgery vol. 21, Number 3, Fall 2001

7. Ungar-Sargon JY, Milton Alter MD. Limb girdle muscular dystrophy in association with testicular feminization syndrome. J. Neurol Ortho Surg. 11985; 6:325-327

8. Ungar-Sargon JY, Goldberger ME. Maintenance of specificity by sprouting and regenerating peripheral nerves I. Normal Variability. Brain Res, 1986 5.325

9. Ungar-Sargon JY, Goldberger ME. Maintenance of specificity by sprouting and regenerating peripheral nerves II. Variability after lesions. Journal of Neurological Sciences vol 46 issue 1 April 1980 1-12

10. Ungar-Sargon JY. The laws governing regenerative and collateral sprouting into partially and totally denervated muscles. J Neurol Ortho Surg. 1985:6:319-324.

11. Flusche G., Ungar-Sargon JY, Lambert D.Prolonged neuromuscular paralysis with Vecuronium in a patient with Polymyositis. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1986 August issue.

12. Borneman AM, Ungar-Sargon JY. Effects of ambiguous diagnosis on stress levels of neurological patients. J Neurol Ortho Surg. 1985;6:329-331

13. Ungar-Sargon JY. Uses and Abuses of EMG in Clinical Neurology. J Neurol Ortho Surg. 1985;6:291-295

14. Ungar-Sargon JY. Is Hospice Care in Conflict with Jewish Values?: Finding a Common Ground for the Jewish Community. American Journal of Palliative Care 197, June issue vol 4:43-54

15. Ungar-Sargon JY, Lovelace RE, Brust JCM. Spastic paraplegia-paraparesis. A Reappraisal. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, April 1980, vol 46, Issue 1

16. Quantum Chassidut: Hitbodedut in a Quantum Key: Contending with the Silence of the Vacated Space & the Holocaust

http://www.tzaddikmag.com/guest-features.html (LKS Tsfat Development Corporation Ltd) editor Sharon Marson

17.Biography cited in: Rebbe Nachman and the Knights of the Rosh Hashanah Table: The modern day adventures of people who found their way to Uman, compiled by Debbie Shapiro, Breslov Research Institute, Aug 2009 

18. "Shlomo's Torah: The Legacy" Kol Chevra 18th Yahrzeit Edition September 2012 

19. Ungar-Sargon J. A New Model for Integrative Diagnosis and Management of PTSD in a Large Population. Addict Res. 2024; 8(1): 1-13.

20. Ungar-Sargon J. The Neurobiology of Addiction. Addic Res. 2024; 8(1): 1-7

21. Julian Ungar-Sargon. (2024). AI Assisted Diagnostic Tools And Holistic Medicine In Treating PTSD: Research Article. International Journal of Medical and Clinical Research and Reviews1(2), 1–21.

22. Ungar-Sargon J. A New Model for Healing Part II. Addict Res. 2024; 8(2): 1-10.

23. Julian Ungar-Sargon. (2024) Intuition and Imagination in Clinical Decision- making process. Journal Of Neurology and Neuroscience Research (5): 60-65.

24. Ungar-Sargon J. A New Model for Healing III. Addict Res. 2024; 8(2): 1-5.

25. Ungar-Sargon, J. (2024). Reviewing Healthcare Biases and Recommendations. Arch of case Rep: Open, 1(2), 01-16.

26. Julian Ungar-Sargon. (2024) Effective Listening to the Patient affects the Outcome. Journal Of Neurology and Neuroscience Research (5): 92-98.

27. Julian Ungar-Sargon. (2024) Capitalism and Health Care: A Critiques. Japan Journal of Medical Science 5 (1): 174-184.

28. 11. Ungar-Sargon, J. (2024). Revisioning Healthcare in a Different Key. Arch of case Rep: Open, 1(1), 01-07.

29. Ungar-Sargon, J. (2024) The Patient History-Reimagining the Body in Illness, American Journal of Medical and Clinical Sciences, 2024 Vol. 9, NO. 5, Pages 1-9

30. Julian Ungar-Sargon. (2024) Between Illness and health What Happened to Convalescence?. Advance Medical & Clinical Research 5(1): 62-67.

31. Julian Ungar-Sargon. (2024) Healthcare Reforms Within and Without. Am J Med Clin Sci 2024, Vol 9, Issue 5

32. Julian US. Worn out Philosophical Ideas Still Pervade the Practice of Medicine : The Cartesian Split Lives On. IntJPhysMed&Rehbtn. 2024;1(3):1‒10. DOI:10.51626/ijpmr.2024.01.00012

33. Julian Ungar-Sargon. Crisis of Soul II, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND CLINICAL SCIENCES, 2024 VOL 9, NO. 6, PAGE 1 – 7 

34. Julian Ungar-Sargon. My Own Spiritual Crisis, JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, 2024 VOL 13, NO. 4, PAGE 1 – 11

35. Julian Ungar-Sargon. My Own Spiritual Crisis II, Journal of Behavioral Health, 2025 VOL 14, No. 1 Page 1-8


1. Ungar-Sargon JY, Devi S, Lovelace RE. Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy. A Reappraisal. Amsterdam IV International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases, 340, 1978.

2. Ungar-Sargon JY, Lovelace RE, Brust JCM. Spastic Paraplegia-paraparesis. A Reappraisal. 717 Eleventh World Congress on Neurological Excerprta Medica: International Congress Series 427:239-240, 1978.

3. Devi S, Lovelace RE, Ungar-Sargon JY.Clinical Neurophysiology on the Prognosis of Infantile/Juvenile Muscular Atrophy. Stockholm: Sixth International Congress on Electromyography, 1979.

4. Ungar-Sargon JY, Goldberger ME.Specificity in Neuronal Repair. Cincinnati: Society for Neuroscience, 1979.

5. Maunder-Sewry CA, Huston C., Ungar-Sargon JY, Dubowitz V.Morphological Studies of Normal and Potential Dystrophic Human Fetal Muscle. Newcastle: Eighth Symposium on Current Research in Neuromuscular Disease, 1980.

6. Ungar-Sargon JY, Goldberger ME. Topography of Motor Neuron Pools in Sprouting and Regenerating Nerves to Cat Tibialis Anterior Muscle. Neurology 32:4:A115, 1982.

7. Krarup C, Buchthal F, Nilsson J, Ungar-Sargon JY. Recurrent Conduction on Sensory Nerve Fibers in Man. Sixth International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases, Los Angeles, July, 1986.

8. Ungar-Sargon JY, Goldberger ME.Sprouting and Regeneration into Partially and Maximally Denervated Muscles. Sixth International Congress of Neuromuscular Diseases, Los Angeles, July, 1986.

9. Ungar-Sargon JY. Imaging/Imagining The Divine In Rabbinic Literature. PhD Dissertation, Brandeis University, 2000.

10. Ungar-Sargon, J The Neurobiology of Addiction. Addict Res. 2024; 8(1): 1-7